SABS provides free standards to manage COVID-19

By Food Focus on 16 July 2020

The SABS has decided to make specific standards available free of charge in order to assist with the global effort of dealing with the COVID-19 crisis


Here is a list of the standards which SABS is making available:

SANS Number Title
SANS 490 Disinfectant alcohol-based handrub
SANS 68 Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification
SANS 11193 Single-use medical examination gloves Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
SANS 50149 Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles - Requirements, testing, marking
SANS 53795    Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits, used as medical devices for patients, clinical staff and equipment - General requirements for manufacturers, processors and products, test methods, performance requirements and performance levels
SANS 1866-1 Medical devices Part 1: Medical face masks
SANS 1866-2 Medical devices Part 2: Medical respirators
SANS 22301 Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements
SANS 50136 Respiratory protective devices - Full face masks - Requirements, testing, marking
SANS 521 Hospital beds and cots
SANS 1883-1 Geographic information - Addresses Part 1: Data format of addresses
SANS 1883-2 Addresses Part 2: Addresses data exchange
SANS 1883-3 Geographic information - Addresses Part 3: Guidelines for address allocation and updates

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